National Anti-Corruption Innovation Project Chief Launcher Calls For Commitment in The Fight Against Corruption
The Chief Executive Officer of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission and Chief Launcher of the National Anti-Corruption Innovation Project has called for more practical commitment from all stakeholders in the fight against Corruption.
Delivering the Key-Note Address and Official Launch, the Executive Director of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission said that commitment is key in order for the Initiative to be achievable.
Atty. Jargbe Roseline Nagbe-Kowo noted that the theme for the forum is the roadmap to create a sense of representation and a sense of duty as the fight against corruption is the responsibility of everyone.
Atty. Nagbe-Kowo who is also the Chairperson of the National Integrity Forum (NIF) reassured the public that the LACC will collaborate with other integrity institutions to ensure that the objectives of the Initiative are achieved and noted that the actions of those objectives must be durable to achieve good governance.
The PPCC boss called on Liberians to stand ready to walk the journey and commit themselves to the objectives of the Initiative. She said that there should be more action and less talk noting that leading by example will be our duty to State and service to God and Country.